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Objective questions

१ मुर्ती पुजामा विस्वास नगर्ने धर्म कुन हो? 2 साङ्केतिक रुपमा कुराकानी गर्ने आदिम मानव कुन हो? ३ संसारको सबै भन्दा पुरानो कला कुन हो? ४ नेपालको सबै भन्दा पुरानो मुर्ती कुन हो? ५ नेपालको Iron man भन्नाले कस्लाइ चिनिन्छ? ६ अन्न कुट्न प्रयोग गरिने परम्परागत प्रविधी कुन हो? ७ नेपाललाइ धर्मनिरपेक्षय राज्य कहिले घोसणा गरियो? ८  रेड क्रस सोसाइटीको सस्थापक को हुन? ९ नेपालको पहिलो सम्विधान कुन  हो? १० नेपालको पहिलो सम्विधान सभा कहिले विघटन भयको थियो? ११ नेपालमा दास प्रथा कसको पालामा कहिले अन्ते भयको थियो १२ COP को पूरा अर्थ के हो? १३ नेपाल अंग्रेज युद्ध कहिले भयको थियो? १४ पृथ्वीनारायण शाहाले कृतिपुर कहिले बिजय गरेका थिय? १५ सभाना घासे मैदान कति देखि कति अक्षम्स सम्म फैलियको छ? १६ मकालु हिमाल नेपालको कुन प्रदेशमा पर्दछ? १७ नेपालको सबै भन्दा ठूलो नदि कुन हो? १८ नेपालको लिपुलेक कति क्षेत्रफलमा फैलियको छ? १९ जनसंख्याका आधारमा नेपालको सबै भन्दा बढी जनसंख्या  भएको प्रदेश कुन हो? २० प्रसिद्ध धार्मिक स्थल स्वर्गद्वारी नेपालको कुन जिल्लामा पर्दछ? 21 नेपालको वर्तमान सम्विधानमा कत
 Province No 7 Area covered- Population-25lakh(10%) Major caste- Thakuri, Brahmin, Kshetri, Tharu  Major mountains- Api, saipal, Trade center-Bhimdittanagar,  Dhangadi silgadhi, Attariya, Tikapur Sanfebagar etc. National park- khapad NP, SuklaphantaWLR Food crops- paddy, wheat,barly,Maize. Cash crops- Oilseeds, cotton

Province no.6

Area covered- 29984(20%) Population- 11.5lakh(5%) Major caste- Thakuri, Brahmin,  kshetri, Dalit, Bhote etc. Religious site- deuti bajai, Chandannath Shey gumba,Kakre bihar etc Major rivers- Tila, very, Humla karnali, Mugu karnali Food crops- Cash crops- Herbs, apple It is spreading  into mountain and hilli region National parks-

Province no 5

 Area Population-49lakh(18%) Major caste- Magar,Tharu,Brahmin,Kshetri Religious site- Lubini, Ridi, Resunga, Swargawari Thakurdwara, Bageshwari Trade center/city-Butwal, Bhairahawa,Tansen Krishnanagar, Lamahi,kohalpur, Nepalgunj Food crops- paddy,wheat, maize Cash crops- cotton  National park-  It si spreaded in hill and terai region of Nepal.

province no.4

 Area covered-21504(14%) Population- 24 lakh(9%) Major caste- Magar, Gurung, Thakali, Dura, Brahmin, Kshetri etc. Religious site- Manakamana, Bindyabashini Hrishikesh, Muktinath, Baglung kalika,Galeshwar Major lakes-Fewa, Tilicho, Begnas,Rupa Major rivers- seti, kaligandaki,Marshyangdi It is spreaded in mountain and hilli region Major mountains- Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Manaslu,Hiuchuli National parks
 Province No 3 Area covered- 20300 Population- 55 lakh (21%) Major caste-Brahmin, kshetri,  Bhote,Newar,Jirel, Tharu, Magar, Sherpa, Dashnami etc. Religious site- Gosaikunda, Pashupati nath,Boudhanatha, Dolakha bhomsen Dakshinkali,Soyambhunath etc. Food crops- Paddy, Maize,wheat etc Cash crops- herbs, fruits, Vagetables. Major city- Kathmandu, Lalitpur,  bhaktupur, Hetauda, chitwan etc It is divided into mountain and hilly region Industrial area- Balaju, Patan, Hetauda Major mountain- Ganesh,Langtang Gaurishankar, Jugal National park-shivapuri national park

Province no.2

 Province No.2- Area cover- 9661(7%) Population- 54 lakh(20%) Major caste- Yadav, Tharu,  Muslim, Jha, etc. Religious site- Janakpur dham Chhinnamasta Devi,Ghadhimai, Food crops- Paddy, maize wheat  Cash crops- Jute, sugarecane, Tobacco Industry- Jute, sugar, Catton cloth Tobacco etc Languages- Maithali, Bhojpuri, Nepali, Bajjika It is lies only in mid terai  Districts-8 National park- koshi tappu wild life reserve,Parsa wild life reserve Major city- Janakpur, Birgunj,Lahan, Jaleshwor,etc.
  Province No-1 Area covered-25,905(18%) Population-45lakh( Major caste- Rai,Limbu,Lepcha,Rajbanshi,Koche, Meche,Brahmin,Kshetri,Sherpa etc Religious site- Baraha kshetra, Pathibhara, Haleshi, Chhintang devi, Arjundhara,etc. Food crops- Paddy, Maize, Wheat etc. Cash crops- Jute, Sugarcane, Cotton,Tea  Tobacco etc. Industry- Jute, Sugar, Tea, cotton cloth etc. It is vertically divided in mountain hill and terai. Highest peak- Mt.Everest, Kanchanjunga,Makalu, Choyu etc. National park- makalu, Barun, sagarmatha and koshi tappu  wild life reserve.  Major city- Birat nagar, itahari, dharan, birtamod, Dhankuta,  Damak, etc. Major highway – East-west highway, Machi highway, Madan bhandari  highway.etc.

Causes of failoure of regions

   Causes to failoure of regionalism in Nepal Due to the poor implementation of plan and policies. Due to political instability. Due to unpatriotic and visionless rulers and leaders. Due to difficult land topography. Due to lack of people participation Due to corruption. Due to centralization of power and policies

Four aspects that can control by federal government

Following four sectors that can control only by the central government Military management. Large development projects such as national highway, railway, big hydropower,postal service, multi provincial project etc. Foreign affairs such as foreign policy,diplomatic relation,treaty agreement contract etc. National monetary Policy such as budget

Functions of state or provincial government

 Functions of state or provincial government To carry out day to day administration within the state. To maintain law and order and improve their condition. To bring out development activities in its province. To legislate rules,law,policies,and programmes. To raise the public revenue and spend it. To carry out public welfare service such as education,health,transportation etc.

Challenges of federal system

 Challenges for implementing federal system in nepal It is expensive form of government which is burden some economically. Equal distribution of the available means and resources to all the sates is challenging. Nepal is a country of cultural this regard,it is difficult to democrate a state on the basis of socio-cultural aspects. There might be huge gap in development between rich and poor states because of geographical variation of the country.  

Difference between federal and state government

Difference between federal and state government  : federal government:                         1.Responsible for national security system 2. Formulates national policies and programme for development and launched them through out the country. 3. Makes financial provision or national monitoring policies at central level. 4. Takes over the responsibility of any federal units during the crisis or emergency 5. Represents the nation at regional and international forums and concern with the foreign policy.    state government:                                                           Responsible for internal law and order and security system 2. Makes necessary plan policies and programme for the development work inside the state. 3. Generates revenues locally within the state for the state expenditure. 4. Caries out day to day administration within the state. 5. Caries out the public welfare service like health, education, transportation,communication etc.

Disadvantages of federal system

 Disadvantages of federal system: There is possibility of fragmentation the nation. Distribution of economic resources may be uneven. It is an expensive  mode of administration. Federal system is not suitable for small countries. If the division of the state is mot proper,there will be imbalance among the states.

Importance of federal system

 Importance of federal system: It increases the competition between the states which promotes development. The means and resources of a state are properly utilize. The state do not have to wait for the center for development activities.This makes development faster. People’s Participation increases in the development  State becomes self-reliant.


 Fedralism : Fedralism is a political system in which country is divided into different autonomous states or provinces. Nepal was declared a fedral democratic republic on 28 may 2008/(Jestha 15,2065). Regionalism: The divosion of a country into various administrative units such as development regions, physical regions for bringing harmonous development in anation is called regionalism. Nepal was divided into 5 development regions in 2037BS. Decentralization: Decentralization is a process of delegating power from center to local bodeies of the government with a purpose to make proportionate development and help to run administrative and development work smoothly. State restructure: The restructuring of state refers to change the old administrative and ruling system by dividing Nepal into federal states and implimenting it.
 Formula calculate HDI Life expectancy index=average life expectancy of the nation-low life   expectancy of the world Highest life expectancy of the world-Lowest life expectancy of the world 2. Educational index=average educational enrollment of the  nation                                                               15 +     Average educational targeted of the targeted nation                     18                        2 3.Income index= Per capita income of the concerned nation + Lowest per capita income of the world Highest per capita income of the world-Lowest per capita income of world 4 Human development index(HDI) HDI= value(A)+value(B)+value(C)                                      

HDI elements and purpose

 The indicaters that shows the periodic progress in the status of the country´s economic, social, educational,health etc.aspects of human life are known as human development index (HDI) Elements of HDI Per-capita income Literacy rate Life expectancy rate Need of HDI CALCULATION To identify the situation of human development. To specify the areas for human development. To improve the situation of human development To schedule the strategies that the country has to adopt for the improvement of human development.